Mission & Values

The MIET prepares you to launch your career by providing a supportive, creative, and professional.


To deliver exceptional value to Students, Industry & Society


To create a World-Class Institution


International Academic Tie Ups


Centres of Excellence


Patents Files

Our vision aligns with shifts in the global economy, society, and environment, which animates our mission and our core values:

श्रेष्ठ | Excellence

Striving for the highest standards in education, research, and personal development, ensuring quality in all endeavors.

श्रम | Diligence

Committing to hard work, perseverance, and ethical conduct to achieve academic and professional goals with integrity.

नवीनता | Innovation

Encouraging creativity, forward-thinking, and the application of new ideas to solve complex challenges and drive progress in society.

Are you ready to take the next step toward your future career?